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Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Saul Kere series

Back-to-back trips to Saul Kere lake which is teeming with birds these days. Here are the pics…
I reached the lake as the dawn was breaking…
As I was waiting for the light to improve, some small restless birds appeared on a tree. I got a fleeting glimpse of a Tailor bird…

A Pale-billed flowerpecker valiantly resisted all efforts to be photographed by sitting in the most inaccessible foliage. It halted for a moment when it caught a spider…

The sun rose up while the mist hung low. The colors of the surroundings started to slowly reveal…

A Eurasian Coot was occasionally dipping its beak in the water for a catch…

A Little Grebe was dabbling in its own peculiar way…

Wild Dandelions flourished on the sides of the path…
A single Wood Sandpiper invited my attention…

Some egrets, herons, ibis and Swamphen gathered for a group photo…

I could isolate a Little egret from the gettogether…

A Blyth's Reed Warbler hopped on a branch. The leaves made a beautiful backdrop…

A Painted Stork was flying overhead…

There was a riot of bougainvillea blooms…

A White-breasted Waterhen lives the life of a secret agent. It comes out of hiding to forage and quickly goes back into hiding at the slightest sign of danger…

White bougainvillea was in full bloom…

A Grey-headed Swamphen was in no hurry and posed for quite a while…


Spot-billed ducks looked very photogenic…

I was glad to spot these well camouflaged Common Snipes who visit here during winter…

A curious Wood Sandpiper was probably comparing the length of bills…
A Eurasian Coot in flight…

A male Purple Sunbird in breeding appearance…

I watched a female Purple Sunbird doing all sorts of acrobatics to catch a prey…

She finally caught a spider…

Next, a Pale-billed Flowerpecker made its presence known…


Then I saw a restless Tailorbird who is quite capable of frustrating the most patient bird photographers…

A Blyth's Reed Warbler…

And a disheveled Booted Warbler…

On my way back, I spotted this group of Garganeys…

That’s all for today. Hope you liked the post. Awaiting your comments. 


  1. I wish that I had ready access to Saul Kere Lake. It is a fabulous spot and always seems to deliver great results for you. I could spend many happy hours there. Great photographic skill on display as always.

  2. You are the John James Audubon under the bird photographers.

  3. Incredible beautiful photographs!!

  4. Glorious visit! much appreciated

  5. What a festival of birds in the lake. The sunset is gorgeously captured

  6. I especially loved the bird pictures. That Reed Warbler "puzzle bird" is magnificent.

  7. The sunrise over the lake is wonderful. The fog makes it look more like the moon. Magical photo!

  8. Wow! As always, your photos are the best! I enjoyed going through this post and photos. Wonderful sky too...

  9. Dawn on the lake is my favorite photo today but I love all as usual.

  10. Fantastic as always. There are many birds which I have not spotted yet. Your blog is tempting to locate them all

  11. How nice that you had your photo made into a puzzle.
    The photos are beautiful again, the sunrise and the Purple Sunbird are my favorites.
    Greetings Irma

  12. Your pictures never fail to delight. Keep up the good work!

  13. The little songbirds are especially fascinating as many of them belong to species that I've never seen or heard of. Beautiful images!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  14. Hello :=) Your photos never fail to delight. How interesting that one of your photo was made into a puzzle, the little bird is lovely.

  15. Lovely. Just lovely bird photographs.

  16. So many birds! We have many similar ones here, but there's just enough of a difference to make it seem like yours have shopped in more upscale boutiques. And you managed to capture fantastic shots of all of these amazing birds, even the most elusive! Wow!

  17. Hello,
    If I loved close to this lake I would be visiting every week. You do see a wonderful variety of birds at the lake. Your photos are beautiful, lovely captures of all the birds, the sunrise and the flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  18. I like the beginning...your photo as a puzzle! Very neat. And the one of the wild Dandelions would be one I would put a quote on. You take the most beautiful photos! Enjoy your weekend....nice to get out when we can!

  19. Hi Shiju, Once again you have posted a wonderful selection of birding photos. Special mention … I love the way you put together the opening images … today the Cranium Bolts Puzzle. You are a master at putting these images together! I wish I could sit down with you and a cup of coffee and talk about the upcoming artistic AI. I’ve been looking at an app called DALL-E which creates artistic images. I’m going to have to see if I could get the AI artist to create something for John’s Island similar to your puzzle. Best regards to you from Seattle! John

  20. Beautiful photos of the birds! I love to see the bougainvillea too.

  21. Looks like another very productive day out Shiju. I especially like the photo of the mixed herons and ibis, but of course all of you work is exceptional. And i do like to see your Blyth's Reed Warbler pics - long time no see.

  22. That elusive "hen" is fabulous. You seem to have hit pay dirt with so many lovelies!! And ones I'll never see in the wild, so much appreciated!!
    Enjoy your week ahead and thank you for linking in at IRBB.

  23. ...Shiju, you have a fabulous day and I thanks you for sharing it. I hope that you have many more.

  24. Wonderful photos of beautiful birds!
    My favorites: Little Egret, Little Grebe, and the Spot-billed Ducks

  25. Fascinating birds and fantastic photography ~ Moon shots are awesome ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Stunning photography, the birds are absolutely beautiful.

  27. Your photography is beyond fantastic. What a birding area you have found. So enjoyable to see these captures!

  28. fantastic photos as always....
    Excellent job that you can capture a White-breasted Waterhen....

  29. All your photos are beautiful but the one of dawn breaking on the lake is amazing!

  30. So lovely - all of your shots!
    Thank you so much for being a regular visitor at our weekly link party.

  31. What fab photos again as always love the misty one too an eerie atmosphere :-)

    Have a beaktastic week 👍

  32. wonderful photos - love all the birds and the bright bougainvillea

  33. This looks like the sort of place that I'd like to visit. Some fabulous looking birds here that I can only dream of seeing.

  34. A cute Little Grebe... love it..
    wonderful captures

  35. So many new-to-me birds today. Beautiful wanderings and photo safari. As always! Vultures were my bird of the morning, on our last epic beach walk on Dominicalito. Heading to Manuel Antonio for one more week. Sorry to hear about the puppy. A big ouch to the heart.

  36. Stunning photos thank you for sharing. #WWandP

  37. so many beautiful feathered companions.
    Thanks for the gorgeous photos!

  38. Such pretty sights are our feathered friends, and you capture them amazingly.

  39. I love the variety of birds you always find; it's so neat to see all these new species that we don't have here.

  40. Oh my goodness- look at the plethora of birds- gorgeous captures with your camera! Have fun!

  41. It's wonderful how the lake glitters, dear Shiju! ❤️
    Your bird and plant shots are so great again! I also admire how sharply you were able to photograph the swamphen despite the grass in the foreground! And I'm glad that you finally managed to get good photos of the restless Taylorbird.
    All the best,

  42. So glad you are out and about again capturing wonderful images!! Thank you for your post this week shared on Wednesday’s Words and Pics. I am grateful for your support. I hope to see you next week too. Denyse.

  43. Great shots! I love the birds in flight.


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