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Monday, December 03, 2018

Valley school birding

My last bird watching trip to Valley school was pretty ordinary in terms of photo opportunity but special in terms of the few birds I saw. I could manage only a small number of pics. Have a look...   

The scarecrow's got a killa swag...

Verditer flycatcher...

Tawny Coster butterfly...

White-spotted fantail...

Common crow butterfly...

Black-naped monarch...


  1. Very nice series! Love the scarecrow - he's quite dapper!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/12/gangly-and-gorgeous-blue-heron.html

  2. ...your images of nature are the best best treasures of all.Thanks for sharing.

  3. Lovely. We usually just get the cardinal, blue jay, and few other regulars so was nice to see your photography. Thanks for sharing with Pictorial Tuesday.

  4. lovey critters but that scarecrow is kind of scary

  5. All of your photos are beautiful as always.
    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  6. Sweet photos. The scarecrow was very life-like. I thought at first it was a real person impersonating a bird with its wings wide open. lol

  7. Killer swag! It wasn't until I noticed the stick hands that I realised it wasn't a human! The butterflies are beautiful.

  8. As usual, your birds and butterflies are marvelous! I do like that scarecrow.

  9. What a lovely collection of birds you've captured, Shiju! That scarecrow is almost real. For a split second, I even doubted if it was a real human. Thank you so much for joining us this Week. Have a wonderful week ahead. :)

  10. The birds with the wings wide spread are wonderful <3!!
    Happy WW!!:)

  11. That scarecrow really does have some swag! lol Love seeing the detail on the butterflies. Thanks for linking up today and every Thursday.

  12. Wow I love the colour of the first flycatcher bird. Amazing shots as always. Thanks for sharing on #pointshoot

  13. The scarecrow is very realistic

  14. Hello. How beautiful photos! That scarecrow is awesome and same time funny too.

  15. The Verditer Flycatcher is an amazing looking bird.

  16. Hello, the scarecrow is cute. I love the Verditer Flycatcher, he is a beautiful color. Beautiful birds and butterflies,lovely photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  17. You always give us so much pleasure and such a great variety of birds no matter where you roam...for that I send along my thanks and appreciation for linking in with us at I'd Rather B Birdin. Have a beautiful week ahead & Happy Birding! What a beautiful flycatcher!

  18. Wonderful photos. The scarecrow is a hoot!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  19. Beautiful, beautiful colors on the birds and a cool scarecrow too...Michelle

  20. Shiju, These are delightful. And the scarecrow seems so real. I thought he looks like a hip-hop artist who will suddenly break into a jig. Ha! Ha! Love your posts always. Thank you for linking up with us at #WW, hope to see you this week too.


  21. What a world you live in: lots of light and shadow!

  22. Absolutely GORGEOUS photos! You have captured the birds so well!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  23. You have a way with a lens! Gorgeous doesn't cut it! #pointshoot xoxo


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