Birds exhibit a wide array of behaviors. On my weekend trip to Hoskote, I could witness some fascinating bird behaviors. Here are the pics...

A White-throated Kingfisher sat on a branch and scanned the water with his sharp eyes...

The eyes are so sharp, he could target a really small fish from few meters away...

The frothy spittle mass, produced by a Spittlebug feeding on a Milkweed plant...

A male Baya Weaver was frantically searching for food...

I found a Baya Weaver colony nearby. The nests seemed to contain nestlings...

The female Baya Weavers were also searching for food for the nestlings...

The male Baya Weaver seemed to have better insect catching skills...

He's also seen keeping a vigil, mending the nest and bringing more food...

Then my attention was drawn towards a tiny Indian White-eye...

The White-eye seemed interested in the nest strands of an abandoned Baya weaver nest. Securing nesting material for itself…

The colors from the bamboo clump looked good...

I saw another Baya weaver colony nearby...

Here, the males were trying to display the partially built nests to passing females for acceptance...

They try to woo the females by flapping their wings and calling while hanging from their nests...

My attention was drawn towards this guy, who is still at the helmet stage of the nest, but was most actively trying to impress the female...

It is likely, there will be no takers for this nest. Nest location is more important than nest structure for the female when she selects the nest and mate. And this one is located in a vulnerable area...
That's it for today. Hope you liked the post. Please post your thoughts in the comments section below...