Pondicherry is a popular tourist destination in South India. After an overnight journey by rail we were in Pondicherry, a town that still retains its French influence from past. Here's a photo tour...
Hotel Bon Sejour, is a beautiful property with its lovely large lawn, comfortable rooms and great food...
Our encounter with elephants in this trip started at the entrance of the hotel. There were a few more elephant encounters that you will see as you scroll through this post...
The elephant sculpture was instantly liked by the kids...
Rohan liked the ride...
We reached the Promenade beach. I was drawn by the beautiful walk along the beach.
Nishant admiring the Gandhi statue at the Promenade beach...

The tall carved pillars around the Gandhi statue pulled me...
The Promenade beach is a rocky beach. People spend hours just watching the waves splash. Nishant wanted a closer feel...
The French acquired Pondicherry in 1674 and held control until 1954 with a few interruptions from the British and the Dutch in between. The buildings around the Promenade Beach have French architecture and style. I decided to go for a long walk and explore the French Quarters...
The streets were neat and well shaded with trees. I was glad to see lots of bicycles in use...
This looked beautiful...
There was a guy selling jewelry. My second encounter of elephants. More to follow...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, located on rue de la Marine, is one of the most well known ashrams in India.
There are autorickshaws for local transport. I won't recommend hiring them as they charge high non-standard rates. We hired a 7 seater car to get around which turned out more economical and convenient...
Even the policeman wears French style cap...
My walk around the French Quarters rewarded me with this sighting. The master of camouflage...
The heat was getting oppressive so we decided to head back to our comfy hotel room...
Wife was into coffee and the beautiful view through the window...
And this is how Rohan eats noodles...
Auroville (City of Dawn) is an "experimental" township located 8 km north-west of Pondicherry. It is meant to be a 'universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities'. The Matrimandir is an edifice for practitioners of Integral yoga, situated at the centre of Auroville initiated by The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
It is quite a huge gold plated structure...
The Banyan tree at Auroville is probably more than a hundred years old...
The Auro beach looked more like a fishermen's place with lots of boats...
As we enter the beach, there was a boat pulling in with the days catch...
Soon three boats full of sardines were ready to be sold...
A 100 Kg sack of Sardines was sold for just 10 dollars...
On his first visit to a beach, the waves scared Rohan...
Rohan was clinging to his mother with fear...
After a while he discovered his interest in sand castle building...
I saw this boy collecting money by showing his pierced tongue. I found the act tasteless. Probably as tasteless as his battered tongue...
Next, we headed to Plage Paradiso island. Plage Paradiso island or paradise beach is an isolated beach from the main land by the Chunnambar backwaters. It takes 20 minutes by boat to reach the Paradise beach...
Nishant spotting fishes...
Paradise beach is bigger and neater than Auro beach. The sand of Paradise Beach is soft.
Sand continued to interest Rohan...
Next, we visited the Arulmigu Manakula Vinayagar which houses Lord Ganesha, the Hindu god with an elephant head. The temple was in existence before the French came and settled in Pondicherry...
Lakshmi, the temple elephant is very popular. She blesses by placing her trunk on the heads of devotees...
Nishant made Lakshmi work a little harder with his repeated seeking of blessings...
After a while, the elephant got fed up and showed him the tail...
Overall, it was a fun trip. Hope you enjoyed reading the post.
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