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Saul Kere Stars

Last weekend, I had the birder's dream trip to Saul Kere! I was lucky enough to spot some amazing birds, including Black-rumped flamebacks, Rose-ringed parakeets, and more. Check out the pics.

A soft glow from the rising sun highlights the clouds in a blue sky, framed by green leaves.

A beautiful sunrise painted the sky with orange and purple.

A shy White-breasted Waterhen camouflaged in the undergrowth.

A small, brown juvenile Scaly-breasted Munia with a delicate beak and bright eyes, perched on a thin branch.

A stunning Rose-ringed Parakeet, with its emerald green plumage sits perched on a weathered branch, its long tail feathers cascading down like a colorful waterfall.

A Red-whiskered Bulbul joined the party, its beady black eyes sparkling like the berries around it.

Two White-cheeked Barbets perched on a branch.

A regal Black Kite, with its sharp beak and piercing gaze, surveys its domain from its perch.

Then, with a sudden burst of speed, it takes off.

A lively group of Rose-ringed Parakeets, chattering and squawking, perched on a tree. One parakeet takes a leap.

I waited until the Rose-ringed Parakeet took flight and captured these.

Two Oriental Magpie-Robins perched on a distant tree.

I watched an Asian Green Bee-eater perched on a branch, performing its antics. It was a truly mesmerizing sight.

An immature Black Drongo perched on a branch.

The adult Black Drongo's tail, like a dancer's skirts, adds to its elegant appearance.

An Asian Green Bee-eater has just captured a bee.

My heart soared with joy as I spotted the vibrant Black-rumped Flameback. I followed it with excitement as it climbed and hopped through the trees.

A Black Drongo with prey in its beak.

An Oriental Magpie Robin was seen next.

A White-throated Kingfisher, surprisingly unafraid, sat still for a long time, allowing me to get these close-up shots.

As the morning warmed up, I spotted a beautiful Dark Blue Tiger butterfly on my way back from my walk.

I hope this glimpse into the avian world has brought you joy. Please share your thoughts or experiences in the comments below, and let us continue to celebrate the beauty of nature together.


  1. That’s why we North Americans save up all of our pennies to visit Asia. Lots of memories for me in this post.

  2. Hello Shiju,
    A wonderful series of photos you show.
    The sunrise is really beautiful.
    The Red-whiskered Bulbul, the Black Kite, the Asian Green Bee-eater, Black-rumped Flameback I really love to see.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Another lovely set of pictures, you never fail to delight!

  4. Your birds are so different and beautiful. The Red-whiskered Bulbul is my favorite today.

  5. So many treasures! Aloha and thank you


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