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Hoskote Lake Jewels

The house move is done! Need I say how hard and messy the whole process was? I'm so glad it's all over and we're almost settled in our new cozy place.

This post takes a break from unpacking to share a trip I took with a friend to Hoskote Lake earlier this month. It had just rained overnight, so I was prepared for the little insects that come out then. The sightings were exciting, and you wouldn't believe how excited I've been all these days, anticipating how good the pictures would look once I downloaded them to my laptop.

Apologies for neglecting your blogs lately. Now that I'm settled in, I'll definitely catch up on my visits. Here are some pictures from the trip!

The predawn scene unfolded dramatically. Pelicans soared against the overcast backdrop, their silhouettes stark against the canvas of grey. The sun strained to pierce the veil of clouds, casting faint hues that hinted at the coming dawn.

An Asian bee-eater perched expectantly, ready for an early morning bee meal.

I spotted a giant ladybug lumbering across a bamboo leaf. These beetles are specialist predators of bamboo-infesting woolly aphids. By feasting on these pests, they also help to rid farm crops of woolly bugs, making them a farmer's best bug buddy!

The aptly named Difficult White-footed Ant proved anything but difficult for a hungry Physiphora fly, becoming an easy meal.

Ants discovered the rain-kissed leaves and flocked to drink.

The Scarab beetle was a lovely sight. A beetle shimmering with colors that rival a jewel. This dazzling metallic effect isn't from pigment, but from the amazing physics of a scarab beetle's shell!The scarab beetle's colors come from its shell's many thin layers acting like tiny prisms, reflecting specific colors of light.

A juvenile pied bush chat, its plumage still developing, perched on a nearby branch.

I trained my macro lens on a Harefoot mushroom, its delicate details begging to be captured.

The Asian pintail dragonfly had striking colors.

A tobacco grasshopper suddenly hopped into view.

I managed to capture an extreme close-up of a common darter dragonfly.

After a bit of a chase, I managed to get a close-up photo of a Common Picturewing dragonfly.

I spotted another Physiphora fly.

A Small Transverse Ladybird Beetle.

Hidden amongst the greenery, a tiny dark grass blue butterfly was spotted next.

I captured the Paddyfield pipit at eye level.

The red-vented bulbul was a bit shy, but, at least the sky cooperated.

A common kingfisher perched in the distance, ready to dive for its prey.

With a full belly, a brahminy kite sat regally on a branch.

Next up were the Little Terns! These birds were zipping around the pond catching fish so fast, it was hard to get a good picture. See the video to see how quick they are! I took lots of pictures, and finally got a few that look okay. 

While I was wrangling the terns into focus, a cheeky common kingfisher decided to steal the spotlight! 

As I retraced my steps, a group of scaly-breasted munias caught my eye. Huddled together and chirping animatedly, they resembled a neighborhood gossip group in full swing.

The morning sky promised a bright and crisp day.

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my day! Let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Hello Shiju,
    It's great that the move is over and you now have more time for other things.
    Beautiful photos of the sunrise and I love the Asian bee-eater.
    What a big ladybug this is, good thing they eat all the lice.
    The Scarab beetle and the close-up of the darter are also really great to see.
    I enjoyed your blog again.
    Greetings Irma

  2. How marvelous all! I love the scary beetle especially and would love to wear one as a jewel. There is a Hawaiian picture winged fly! Thank you friend. Aloha

  3. The insect world is incredibly fascinating, begging to be explored. Makes me wish I was twenty-five again!

  4. What a great series of nature jewels again. Really really wonderful.

  5. Beautiful serie photos of nice birds. I am glad for you the move is done. Have a nice day.

  6. Amazing photography, place looks great

  7. As usual, your photos are outstanding. Congratulations on your move. Can you find everything yet?

  8. You find the most amazing critters, and then you photograph them wonderfully.

  9. I think you outdid yourself with photos this week! Some of my favorite things in close-up. Mushrooms, insects... That is an amazing ladybug! I looked it up to see how big, and it's so much bigger than my little ones.

  10. First time visitor here. These bird photos from Hoskote Lake are incredible! They definitely make waking up early worth it. I especially love the kingfisher with the bright blue feathers perched on a branch - it's like a splash of sapphire! Capturing these beauties after all the unpacking must have been rewarding, even if you're exhausted. Congrats on the new place!

    In the Company of Me

  11. Amazing and beautiful. The closeups of the insects are stunning.

  12. Dear Shiju, congratulations on arriving in your new residence! As always, I am delighted with your photos and descriptions. You pay respect to the large and small inhabitants of the earth and have taken great close-ups. I particularly like your photo of the shimmering back of the scarab beetle today - what a beauty! The photos of the terns buzzing around are also more than "okay". All in all, a wonderful glimpse into your day.
    Now I wish you and your family all the best in settling in to your new home!

  13. Congrats on your new house. I love the pelicans soaring in the pre-dawn sky!

  14. I love the great variety of photos you shared this week. Hats off to you for your talent.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  15. Your insect close-ups provide exquisite insight into the details of these tiny creatures. Amazingly done!

  16. Hello,
    Your photos are always a gorgeous sight to see. I love the sky shots with the Pelicans. It is neat to see the Terns flying around. Beautiful captures of the Bee-eater and Kingfisher. The Ladybug does look big. Congrats on your new home.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  17. Going birding with you— always beginning at sunrise — is a great Saturday pleasure! Such beautiful birds.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  18. Moving into a new place is a hard thing and I know you are glad it is finished. Wonderful photos and I like that little kingfisher. Thank you for linking up.

  19. moving...it is the bane of my existence!! we have decided that we are going to stay here and our boys can clean up our mess!! (some of it is still here after 20+ years) the insects are superb, the birds also...your images are always spectacular!!

  20. I hope you enjoy your new place. Moving is so much work. I am always amazed by the quality of your photos and the breadth of your knowledge, and the insect closeups, especially, were so enjoyable to view.

  21. Amazing photography as always. Have a fabulous week. Enjoy your new hourse.

  22. Wow! ~ awesome photography as always ~ Glad the 'moving' is mostly over ~ enjoy the respite ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. I agree moving can be so exhausting hope your done and settled
    Loved the photos a fab collection again thanks for sharing 👍

  24. I am still too stunned for words by your incredible photos!

    Enjoy your new house!

  25. Gorgeous photos, as always! I'm so glad you're a regular visitor to our party. Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-visit-to-girard-college.html

  26. Moving house is hard - but it does mean you have new areas to explore.
    Cheers - Stewart M, Stewart Island, NZ

  27. Awesome image set, but the macro of the darter dragonfly is stunning. Really well done.

  28. how impressive they all are!
    both the sunset and the insects and birds!
    great photos!

  29. Superbe toate fotografiile! Iar comentariile mi-au mers la suflet.

  30. Some great photos of the insects along with the birds. I especially like that green beetle (scarab)!
    The mushroom was pretty cool, too 🍄

  31. I love the photos over the couch and happy that the move is over. WOW!!!!! on the macro shots....Michelle

  32. I'm so glad you made the move and can start to get settled in and enjoy your new home. I love that you included a youtube video. I looked at your youtube one time and watched a family birthday! Thanks for sharing!

  33. Your photos are such a treat, every single time, Shiju.

    The dragonflies are such posers. Love the Scarab beetle, the lady bug and the fungi.
    This was quite the outing I must say and a respite from your move. Happy new homecoming.

  34. Good to read that the move is over and you and your family have more time for other things. Wonderful scenses of the sunrise. The Scarab beetle and the close-up of the darter are great to see. I enjoyed again your Post.
    Thank you for sharing at MM. Many Greetings by Heidrun

  35. Congratulations on the house move! These photos are incredible. The colour of the scarab beetle is stunning and I'm amazed that you managed to photograph ants drinking water!

  36. I love how you've captured those birds in flight - how beautiful against the sunset! Thanks for sharing your snaps and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.

  37. YOur photos look great on the wall. The colour of the scarab is AMAMZING and the mushroom looks covered in frost. You've got some brilliant photos there!

  38. Congratulations, I have never seen such beautiful pictures of critters like bees and dragonflies. The intricate details captured of these miniature critters is praise worthy. Your macro lens setting has truly justified the beauty of mushroom. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  39. ...once again you captured the beauty of nature, thanks for takiing me along to see the sights.

  40. Great to see some of your photos again! The first ones are so atmospheric, and I love the ones of the creatures of the undergrowth.

  41. Me gustan los patos. Te mando un beso.

  42. Gorgeous and so so wonderful. So glad to be here and looking at this beauty


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