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Jakkur Lake Sunrise: A Birding Blitz

With busy weekends, my friend and I squeezed in a quick sunrise and birding session at Jakkur Lake. Here's what we found in just a couple of hours.

Just as the first blush of pink touched the horizon, a crescent moon appeared to say goodbye before the sun took over. 

Painted storks stalked the shallows near the shore, taking advantage of the pre-dawn quiet to hunt for fish before the morning walkers' activity began.

The painted stork at the top of a tree saw the sun before us. The excitement was evident in the way it stretched its wings wide, greeting the rising sun with a joyful squawk.

The painted storks stood tall, their long necks and beaks creating a mesmerizing pattern as the sun peeked.

Had to move a little to get the whole sun in the shot.

I wanted pictures of the stork with the sunrise. Thankfully, the stork seemed to understand the assignment and posed beautifully.

The undisturbed water mirrored the elegance of a newly arrived painted stork.

A little egret also had a fantastic reflection in the water. It seemed to have mistaken a water plant for a tasty fish!

Outside a banyan tree hole, two mynas created a commotion, each trying to be the first to tend their chick. I managed to get some shots of the noisy disagreement!

Thanks for joining me on this little birding adventure! I'd love to hear what you think in the comments.

Look Away First, You Lose!

Blogging has taken a back seat because we're in the process of moving to a new residence. Woodwork, painting, and the like are devouring my evenings. 

We had some intermittent rain, and on a very overcast morning, I ventured to Saul Kere for a short birdwatching trip. Here are some photos from the trip.

A dense, overcast sky threatened rain, spilling a few drops every now and then.

Undeterred by the slight rain and overcast skies, the joggers and birdwatchers of Saul Kere continued their pursuits.

The rain and wind scattered a carpet of gulmohar flowers beneath the tree.

A brahminy kite circled overhead, searching for fish in the water below.

...and with a swift dive, it plucked a fish from the water.

I watched a black-winged stilt couple. One would turn its head for a serious chat, only to be met with the other stilt giving it the cold shoulder. Then, in a blink, the roles would reverse, with the first stilt getting the silent treatment. It was a never-ending game of "look away first, you lose!

Having gorged itself on a hearty fish, the brahminy kite seemed to be unwinding, its gaze lazily scanning the horizon.

Rain brings new leaves.

A grey heron's patience put mine to shame. It waited so long and so still for a fish, I couldn't keep up.

The great cormorant next to the little egret was like a goth hanging out with a ballerina.

Another test of patience with a grey heron. Obviously I failed.

A spotted-dove elegantly perched in the foliage.

A gaggle of great cormorants, wings spread wide, attempted their best Titanic pose. 

Always a treat to encounter a red-vented bulbul, especially during their breeding season when the males are particularly vocal.

With a nervous flick of its tail, a shy white-breasted waterhen emerged and then disappeared.

The black drongo, known for its mimicry, perched on a branch, calling out in a variety of sounds.

...and then launched itself into a swift dive.

And then, the showstopper of the day arrived! So close that I had to step back to focus better on this stunning oriental magpie-robin.

Completely unfazed by my presence, it snatched a lizard.

Yet another spotted dove! They were everywhere today.

Last sighting: a white-cheeked barbet.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Share your thoughts in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you.