Yes, birding at Hoskote has been, bit of an adventure for more than a year now, due to flooding. This post is about my trip in late August. It rained heavily all night but had a brief respite in the morning. Here are the pics...

A Scaly-breasted Munia was busy munching Guinea Grass seeds...

A view of the flooded area, where, once upon a time, I used to walk and watch numerous birds...

A Long-tailed shrike marked its presence...

A Purple-rumped Sunbird gleamed in the emerging sunlight...

Baya weaver nests are often built hanging over water where predators cannot reach easily. I saw this active colony built over a broken well...

Daddy Baya brought some food for the nestlings...

Mother Baya brings a feather to furnish the nest interiors...


And the daddy Baya fixed the exterior...

A small team of Indian Spot-billed ducks floated serenely...