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Sunday, October 13, 2019

A quick catch up

I realized that I hadn't visited Kaikondrahalli lake for birding since last October. I had a whole year's catching up to do. This trip provided a fun change from my recent consecutive visits to Hoskote lake.
Here are a few pics from the trip...

A Little cormorant was the first sighting...

Powder Puff flower  was very interesting. I liked the small balls at the tip of the numerous long slender stamens...

In a Great Cormorant's nest the little one was constantly demanding to be fed...

I searched for butterflies near a Coral porterweed plant...

Coral porterweed flowers are very attractive to butterflies...

I saw a tiny Red Pierrot butterfly...

Then a pair...

I liked the reflection of this Spot-billed Pelican...

A beautiful juvenile Gray heron was up to something...

It caught a huge fish...

With great difficulty it swallowed the fish...

An Indian Pond Heron was seen staring intently at something in the water...

Another Indian pond heron caught a fish...

In another Great cormorant's nest, two adolescent chicks seemed eager to leave the nest...

A juvenile Brahminy kite was busy eating its snatch. They are skillful in snatching the fishes from other birds...

An adult Gray heron catches a fish. I could clearly see the glee on its face and gloom on the fish's face... 

 That was too much of drama for a day. Hope you liked the post. Do let me know your feedback in the comments section below...

Monday, October 07, 2019

Eensy-weensy beauties

What started off like a normal birding trip to Hoskote, ended with me returning with a cache of eensy-weensy pics. Here's the photo story...

The sun was already out when I reached Hoskote lake...

Spot-billed Pelicans were on a fishing expedition...

A Gray heron was sitting still, waiting for a prey to make an appearance...

And a Painted stork was doing an aerial survey...

And a Little cormorant was spreading its wings for drying...

The surroundings were still overcast after the overnight rain...

The grass were covered with pearls from the overnight rain...

Tried to capture the interesting bokeh...

While I was trying to capture water droplets, I observed a Weevil...

The tiny Weevil prompted me to explore for more eensy-weensy beauties. I changed to a Macro lens to take extreme closeups. Passion fruit flower was covered in tiny droplets...

An Indian Wave Striped Ladybug caught my attention...

Captured water droplets in greater detail using the macro lens...

Could see the landscape upside down in the droplet...

A Tropical leatherleaf slug was moving tardily...

Indian Snakeweed...

Yellow waxtail damselfly...

Poison Berry...

A bee gets attracted to the poison berry flower and helps in pollination...

Maruca vitrata moth hanging on to the underside of a leaf blade thus protecting itself from predators...

A Common grass yellow butterfly was also following the same defense mechanism...

Droplets on Lantana flower...

Male Ditch Jewel dragonfly...

A bee in flight...

Acridid grasshopper...

Illeis koebelei or Yellow Ladybird Beetle...

Stick insect...

Mimosa pudica flower...

A bunch of Assassin bug nymph...

Adult Assassin bug...

Iridescent green jewel bug...

Saw this Wasp with really long ovipositor - Egg-laying tubular structure at the end of the abdomen...

 Another Assassin bug from Isyndus sp...

Immature spur-throated locust...

Lynx spider...

 Henosepilachna pusillanima beetle...

Common Tiger butterfly...

Probably a Jewel bug nymph...

Ceroplastes Scale insect...

Red pumpkin beetle...

Meanwhile, at the lake, fishing expeditions were continuing. Here's a Gray heron and Painted stork...

Gray Heron...

Black-winged Stilt...

And this Little Grebe was the last critter of the day... 

Thanks for enduring this maxi post. I hope you liked it. Do let me know your feedback in the comments section below...