Our first birding trip to Malathahalli lake, Bangalore turned out to be more dramatic than we had imagined. What promised to be a sunny day when we started, turned out with thick teal tinged clouds as soon as we reached the lake. The bad weather came as a blessing in disguise. Read on to know...
As the dark clouds started to dim the light, an Oriental Magpie Robin made an appearance...
I somehow captured a Pale-billed Flowerpecker in the low light condition...
It started to drizzle, but we chased a Plain tiger butterfly to have at least some pictures before the rain played havoc...
Rain finally fell, drenching the surroundings and the flock of Eurasian Coots in the lake...
I clicked water drops as we took shelter under the canopy of an outhouse...
Thankfully, the rain and thunder storm ended soon and caused very minor annoyance...

The most amazing sight awaited us as we exited the outhouse after the rain. Some Peafowls came out for a dance after the rain...
Usually the peafowls limit themselves to the small island in the lake and are very difficult to spot...
Peacocks are vulnerable to attacks because their flight is slow due to their heavy plumage. They find it safe to come out in the open only before and after a rain. During rain, their predators will themselves be scampering to find a safe place to hide...
Far away, a peacock was seen in flight...
Calotropis gigantea aka milkweed flowers...
Ashy Prinia...
Greater Coucal...
Passiflora foetida...
Saw a beautiful Peucetia Viridans aka Green Lynx spider on the Passion Fruit vine...
The species is primarily of interest for its usefulness in agricultural pest management, for example in cotton fields. The Green Lynx spiders have been observed to hunt several moth species and their larvae, including some of the most important crop pests...
Indian Robin...
Oriental Magpie Robin...
Passiflora foetida aka Stinking Passion Flower....
Rose-ringed Parakeets...
Crimson Rose Butterfly...
A female Purple Sunbird...