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Bird Battles and Beautiful Mornings

I had a fun time watching birds at Saul Kere Lake last weekend. I saw a fight between two groups of birds and many other interesting birds. Let's see some photos!

My morning at Saul Kere Lake started with this beautiful sunrise at 6 AM. The sky was painted with soft colors, and fluffy clouds hung overhead like pillows, as if they were the remnants of a peaceful night's sleep.

A slight commotion on the electric power lines drew my attention. A gang of Rufous Treepies was engaged in a heated dispute with a larger group of Black Drongos.

Rufous Treepie is a member of the crow family, Corvidae. They are commonly found in various habitats across India, including forests, agricultural areas, and urban gardens.

The Rufous Treepie is primarily an arboreal omnivore, feeding on a diverse diet that includes fruits, nectar, seeds, invertebrates, small reptiles, and even the eggs and young of other birds. It has also been known to scavenge on carcasses.

While Rufous Treepies are typically known to join mixed hunting parties with species like Drongos and Babblers, here, I saw them engaged in a territorial dispute with a gang of Black Drongos.

The fight gave me many opportunities to capture the birds in flight.

After the impromptu show, I spotted a happy-looking dog bathed in the golden light of the morning sun.

As I continued exploring the park, I played with the morning light and shadows, capturing the scene from different angles. Suddenly, a jogger photobombed the shot, adding a touch of perspective to the image.

A flash of vibrant blue caught my eye. A White-throated Kingfisher had flown towards me and perched on a branch partially hidden among the leaves.

The kingfisher's bright blue plumage contrasted beautifully with the green foliage.

I was hoping for a better shot when, to my surprise, the kingfisher flew closer, landing on a branch right in front of me. It was so close that I had trouble focusing my camera! 

As I continued my walk, I heard a familiar melody. It was the turn of the Oriental Magpie Robin to sing its cheerful song.

A pair of Rose-ringed Parakeets were perched on a nearby tree, their vibrant plumage contrasting with the blue sky. One of the birds took flight, its wings outstretched and its long tail trailing behind it. I snapped a photo of the bird in mid-air.

An Asian Green Bee-eater was perched on a branch, holding a dragonfly in its beak. The bird was repeatedly beating the dragonfly against the branch, trying to break its exoskeleton before consuming it. 

I spotted a group of Scaly-breasted Munias perched on a branch nearby. 

I managed to get a photo of the juvenile before it disappeared into the bushes.


I spotted one final bird: a White-cheeked Barbet perched on a branch high up in a tree.

 I had a fantastic time observing and photographing these amazing creatures. What was your favorite part of the trip? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Unwind in Hoskote

This weekend, my wife and I decided to unwind at Hoskote Lake, eager for a morning of birdwatching. As we arrived, the vibrant flower farms captivated us, momentarily pulling us away from our quest for feathered friends. However, we were thrilled to spot a lifer: the Long-toed Stint. Join us as we recount our delightful morning of unexpected discoveries in this beautiful corner of Bangalore!

I took the first shot of the day with my phone—a beautiful lake surrounded by lush greenery. The clear blue sky and fluffy white clouds contrasted perfectly with the tranquil water.

Our first sighting was a charming White-browed Wagtail, busily carrying what looked like nesting material—tiny twigs and bits of grass.

Next, we spotted a Pied Bushchat perched on a nearby shrub.

The morning sky was a stunning backdrop, dotted with white, puffy clouds against a brilliant blue expanse. A Leafless tree stood tall, its branches adorned with bustling mynas, flitting about and chattering animatedly. 

As we continued our stroll, we noticed another birder aiming his camera at something in the bushes. Curious, we approached, and he pointed out a Brown Shrike cleverly hidden in the foliage.

Next, we spotted a solitary Black-winged Stilt in the shallow water, striking a yoga pose and stretching its neck.

Migratory birds have begun settling here, and we spotted a Common Redshank at the water's edge.

Three Black-winged Stilts moved in tandem in the shallow water, their long legs synchronizing beautifully as they foraged together. 

We walked through the bamboo habitat, scanning for signs of bird movements. The breathtaking sky above, painted in vibrant hues, added to the tranquility of the moment.

Another Brown Shrike appeared in the open, perched confidently on a nearby branch.

We were massively distracted from our birding by a stunning patch in the chrysanthemum farm, bursting with vibrant violet, pink, and white flowers. The colorful blooms created a captivating spectacle, drawing us in as we admired their beauty.

After the distraction, we spotted a Purple Sunbird in eclipse plumage. Its muted colors were a striking contrast to the vibrant flowers around it, yet its delicate features still shone through. Eclipse plumage is a temporary change that occurs after the breeding season, during which male birds lose their bright colors for a more subdued appearance. 

We were thrilled to get a lifer sighting of a Long-toed Stint, a first-ever record for our state! This small wader is often elusive, and it’s likely that it has visited before but simply went unnoticed due to its tiny size. Although it was quite far, spotting it was still a significant moment for all of us, marking an exciting addition to our birding experiences!

After the chrysanthemum patch, we came across a vibrant marigold patch, providing my wife with an interesting backdrop for pictures. The bright orange blooms created a stunning contrast against the lush greenery, and she happily posed amidst the flowers.

As if inspired by us, an Ashy Prinia landed on some canna flowers, striking a pose of its own.

However, a Red-vented Bulbul showed no interest in posing, staying hidden among the branches.

A Blyth's Pipit marked its presence.

A Common Myna strutted nearby.

As we returned to our car, we spotted a heart-shaped cloud drifting in the sky. 

The clouds in the blue sky were fascinating, so we decided to take a selfie with the unique cloud backdrop. It perfectly captured the joy of our birding adventure!

That was our delightful outing at Hoskote! We hope you enjoyed sharing in our experiences. We’d love to hear your thoughts—feel free to leave your comments below!