Continuing from my last post, where a friend and I traveled 200 km in search of Bar-headed Geese, we made a detour to Kokkarebellur, a 300-year-old hamlet in Mandya district, about 100 km from Bangalore. Named after the Painted Stork (Kokkare in Kannada), this village hosts large nesting colonies of storks and Spot-billed Pelicans, living in harmony with the locals.
Here are some moments from this unique cohabitation!
As we reached Kokkarebellur, the sight was surreal—Painted Storks perched atop trees, right next to village houses, completely unfazed by human presence.
This unique coexistence has been observed for centuries, with the first historical mention of Kokkarebellur and its pelicanry recorded by British naturalist T.C. Jerdon in 1864.
"I have visited one Pelicanry in the Carnatic, where the Pelicans have (for ages I was told) built their rude nests, on rather low trees in the midst of a village, and seemed to care little for the close and constant proximity of human beings."
--Thomas Caverhill Jerdon
Spot-billed Pelicans begin arriving in Kokkarebellur around October, choosing tamarind and banyan trees as their roosting sites. They lay their eggs in November, and the chicks fledge over the next three months before taking flight by March. We arrived just as the pelicans’ breeding season was coming to an end, catching a glimpse of the last few lingering juveniles before their departure.
The livelihood of Kokkarebellur’s residents reflects their deep, symbiotic relationship with nature. Agriculture, their primary occupation, thrives thanks to a unique natural fertilizer, bird droppings (guano). These nutrient-rich droppings are collected in pits dug around trees, mixed with silt, and then applied to fields, enriching the soil and boosting crop yields.
A Painted Stork spreads its wings wide, shielding itself and its nest from the harsh midday sun. With the breeding season just beginning, these trees will soon be bustling with nests and hungry chicks!
Then, I watched the Painted Storks glide effortlessly against the clear blue sky.
On the way back, we stopped at a field where a few Red-naped Ibises were actively foraging.
Our final sighting of the day was a breathtaking Tabebuia chrysotricha, the Golden Trumpet tree in full bloom at Cubbon Park, Bangalore, adding a perfect splash of gold to end the trip.
This centuries-old bond between the villagers and the birds is rooted in both cultural traditions and the birds’ unique preference for human proximity. Seen as symbols of good fortune, these birds are welcomed each season as they nest in the Banyan and Tamarind tree canopies. This relationship nurtures both the community and the avian visitors.
Caring for these birds is an integral part of local culture, passed down through generations. Children are taught from a young age not to disturb nesting birds or their eggs. The villagers, in turn, protect their avian guests, understanding their vital role in the ecosystem. The nutrient-rich ‘Guano’ from the birds is used as natural manure, enriching the farmlands. In a gesture of respect and coexistence, the villagers even refrain from harvesting Tamarind pods during the nesting season, ensuring a safe environment for their feathered guests.
This trip was a reminder of how nature and humans can thrive together when harmony is respected.
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