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Celebrating the Rains at Kannamangala Lake

In the midst of rainy and overcast days, I visited Kannamangala lake to take stock of the birding activity there. The birds seem to be celebrating the refreshing change from the dry days. Here are the pics.

The rising sun found its perfect perch.

Dressed in its dazzling breeding finery, an Indian pond heron stood laser-focused on the water below, ready to strike.

Little egrets seem to catch fish more often with their special way of fishing.

A Little grebe also bobbed around, trying its luck.

I spotted another Little Grebe in its breeding feathers. See how its look has changed for breeding season.

A white-breasted waterhen peeked out from its hiding place, its shyness adding to its charm.

An Indian spot-billed duck caught a fish.

The rain washed everything clean, and the Banaba flower, also called Pride of India, bloomed even brighter!

Two Indian spot-billed ducks stood by the water, about to enter into the water.

Another one was seen flapping its wings, likely preening its feathers and distributing oils from glands for waterproofing.

If you've been following my lake visits, you might recall the lone Aylesbury duck who escaped a farm and found a haven here. Months later, it found a partner, and now their three adorable ducklings are venturing out with some Indian spot-billed ducklings, learning the ropes of life on the lake.

The once-lonely Aylesbury duck now has company! A group of new arrivals at the lake, with plumage resembling Mallards, have joined the scene.

I settled down to capture a Common Kingfisher couple taking turns fishing. One would snatch a fish and then vanish for about 15 minutes, likely to feed their hungry chicks, before returning for another catch. 

These Indian spot-billed ducks seem to be enjoying the morning.

The gulmohar bursts into bloom.

Did you enjoy this post? Share your thoughts below!


  1. I did enjoy the post, in particular the awesome action shots of the Kingfisher.

  2. What a great series of photos these are Shiju.
    All the birds, flowers and sunrise are super beautiful.
    I especially think the kingfisher series is perfect.
    Greetings Irma

  3. mesmerising. Glad to see nature still finding a place in and around bangalore!

  4. Thank goodness to finally get water. The Indian Pond Heron reminds me so much of my visits to SE Asia.

  5. Great post again. Those birds are all so good captured. Lucky you.

  6. Did I enjoy this post, oh yes!! Your great shots of all these exotic (to me) birds are wonderful.

  7. Wow, that first heron photo is breathtaking!!

  8. I absolutely agree with these other excellent photographers. Your work is just so incredible. You are the voice of the lake and the birds and we enjoy it so very much. Thank you friends

  9. I loved how Aylesbury duck found a family. That is so sweet. Your kingfisher shots are absolutely gorgeous.

  10. Another fabulous post with so much beauty. I love how colors intensify when breeding season comes.

  11. Truly beautiful clicks, Ducks, Kingfisher looks amazing.

  12. The tiny Kingfishers are a force to be reckoned with and how nice the lone duck now has a family.

  13. Hurray, dear Shiju, FINALLY RAIN! I am very happy for nature and animals! Of course I can still remember the white duck and the fact that it found a partner. And now babies, yeah! It's wonderful that the white ducks are accepted by the other ducks - it should be the same with people - no matter what color...
    Your photos are brilliant again, this is particularly noticeable with the iridescent plumage of the Kingfishers.
    All the best, Traude

  14. Your pictures are amazing! Good catch with the sun.

  15. Hello,
    I am sure the rain was welcomed! Your photos and post are always amazing, a treat to see! Beautiful sunrise capture and lovely flowers! The birds captured are all beautiful, I especially love the series on the Kingfisher. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  16. I always enjoy your stunning photo essays about places so far from me. I love seeing species that are both familiar and different, such as your local kingfisher and your local ducks.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  17. Shiju, you captured so much beauty, thanks for taking my along to see the sights.

  18. The last photo of the walkway is very beautiful! And I love seeing the ducks and all their buddies!

  19. It's always a joy to see nature in your part of the world. You display it so beautifully in your photographs.

  20. I loved the story of the Aylesbury duck finding a family and your stunning Kingfisher series.
    Your photos are incredible as always, Shiju.

    Happy Monday!

  21. Another enkoyablr post loved the photos and the rising sun :-)
    Have a beaktastic week 👍

  22. The kingfisher is awesome and your photography is very professional ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. You caught the king beautifully. Another great day among birds and critters. I always enjoy your witty comments on my blog! :)

  24. I enjoyed the photos of the Kingfisher. Your camera skills are excellent. Thank you for linking up and have a great week.

  25. All the photos are beautiful, but I was surprised about the 'Indian spot-billed duck'. I love the colors, unique for me!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  26. Absolutely beautiful photos. Love the little Kingfisher.

  27. Very special Fotos! amazing 😍
    Happy ww 🤗

  28. Absolutely outstanding images of the Kingfisher. I have never been able to get a good shot
    I visited you via image-in-ing. My entries are numbered #42+43.
    Feel free to join WW Linkup W-S: https://esmesalon.com/tag/wordlesswednesday/

  29. I admit when I see your posts I'm jealous of the biodiversity in your area and of your photographic excellence.
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/05/a-beautiful-double-rainbow.html

  30. Wow... I admire the bird watching here. It`s fantastic. I could see your great skill. Another round of MosaicMonday in the middle of May... and I'm looking forward to your contribution again. More pictures this week that tell the story of your surroundings, of nature, of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a story.

    Thank you for your participation. Have a good time, best wishes from Heidrun

    PS: Thank you for your good wishes.

  31. Shiju, I am wowed by your photography every time! In this post, I especially love the spot-billed ducks. Besides your artist's eye and photography skills, you must have a LOT of patience!

  32. A marvelous set of pictures, I so like the kingfisher with fish in its beak!

  33. Amazing post, beautiful! And your photos are real works of art. Cute ducklings! Regards, have a nice weekend! I send many greetings to you.

  34. I love how you display your pictures on a line, it's so pretty! Thanks for linking up and sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  35. Interesting photos of birds

  36. I am glad u r receiving Rains as we are burning with worst Summer heat waves, I loved the shot of Indian billed duck flapping on the water . The snippet of Kingfisher is very interesting. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  37. Wonderful birding trip Shiju. That's a happy story about the lonesome duck finding a family and friends. (What a great lesson for the human species!) Your Kingfisher is stunning (I don't love it when any bird is called "common" and these birds are certainly not ordinary!) It's very beautiful at Kannamangala Lake and I'm happy you had rain!

  38. All your photos are great! The Kingfisher is very beautiful.


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